To finish off 2012, Atlantic Wire published its list of “2012’s Worst Words,” and there are some doozies here. From the unctuously faddy to the plain old wrong, I think just about every one of these caused me to cringe — except for the ones that made me laugh. My favorites:
Artisanal Yes, but are you good?
Gaffe This is a future Lexicide entry.
Historic Good point here. Every election is historic. And if an election is not historic, will you not vote? Why not?
Really? It’s tolerable in Judd Apatow movies, but not in client meetings. I mean, really?
Sustainable Overused. I’m guilty of this myself, since I like sustainable (meaning earth-friendly) things and practices. But we’ll have to come up with a new word now that everything’s sustainable.
Least favorite: Brogrammer, Glocal, Meggings (and the not-mentioned Murse) and every poorly constructed portmanteau out there. Leggings are leggings, no matter who wears them.
So Happy Holidays from the Lexicide crew, and enjoy. Unless you don’t want to know what butt-chugging is. I know I didn’t.
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